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Club Progression over time. Total Trophies are a sum of trophies for all members in the club.
+562 recently
+0 today
+0 this week
+2,543 this season
General Info | |
Trophies | 248,909 |
RequiredRequired Trophies | 12,000 |
RangeTrophy Range | 2,584 - 32,768 |
Type | Open |
Members | 13 / 30 |
Miscellaneous | |
Members | 6 = 46% |
Seniors | 1 = 7% |
Vice Presidents | 5 = 38% |
President | Rerik |
General Stats (#2RYGPCR9U) | |
Position | 1 |
Trophies | 32,768 |
Role | Vice President |
General Stats (#Y8Y9C9U8V) | |
Position | 2 |
Trophies | 30,312 |
Role | Vice President |
General Stats (#PUGGQYV22) | |
Position | 5 |
Trophies | 21,266 |
Role | President |
General Stats (#20QCCCR8R) | |
Position | 6 |
Trophies | 21,053 |
Role | Member |
General Stats (#8Y0JJV22J) | |
Position | 7 |
Trophies | 20,592 |
Role | Vice President |
General Stats (#YLLJ0Q8Y0) | |
Position | 9 |
Trophies | 15,055 |
Role | Vice President |
General Stats (#29QQU2YQV) | |
Position | 10 |
Trophies | 13,801 |
Role | Member |
General Stats (#YL9VYY8GV) | |
Position | 12 |
Trophies | 11,159 |
Role | Vice President |
General Stats (#9CY88YQG8) | |
Position | 13 |
Trophies | 2,584 |
Role | Senior |
General Stats (#PGVUVPUQL) | |
Trophies | 31,909 |
Role | Member |
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