Club Icon

Kings United II


BEM VINDOS 🇵🇹|Clube focado no megaPig🐷| se tiver alg dúvida ou problema,fale com Megumi ou Martim|perito free

Total Trophies

Club Progression over time. Total Trophies are a sum of trophies for all members in the club.



General Info
TrophyTrophies 28,834
RankRequiredRequired Trophies 19,000
Battle LogRangeTrophy Range 28,834 - 28,834
InfoType Invite Only
Brawl NewsMembers 1 / 30
Members 0 = 0%
Seniors 0 = 0%
Vice Presidents 0 = 0%
President League 9Michael BR

Members (1/30)

General Stats (#8LYVJ8LVQ)
Search iconPosition 1
League 9Trophies 28,834
Power League Solo iconRole President

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