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Club Progression over time. Total Trophies are a sum of trophies for all members in the club.
+42,024 recently
+0 today
+0 this week
+41,624 this season
General Info | |
Trophies | 137,046 |
RequiredRequired Trophies | 10,000 |
RangeTrophy Range | 10,284 - 42,014 |
Type | Open |
Members | 7 / 30 |
Miscellaneous | |
Members | 6 = 85% |
Seniors | 0 = 0% |
Vice Presidents | 0 = 0% |
President | алишер |
General Stats (#J0CQYQLY9) | |
Position | 5 |
Trophies | 15,937 |
Role | President |
General Stats (#RGP0JPL00) | |
Trophies | 3,523 |
Role | President |
General Stats (#98RYYPU0C) | |
Trophies | 26,534 |
Role | President |
General Stats (#PPJPQLP9G) | |
Trophies | 26,047 |
Role | President |
General Stats (#PPPVVCQJL) | |
Trophies | 26,003 |
Role | Member |
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