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List of all brawlers in Brawl Stars.
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Gain 15% SPEED INCREASE when moving in bushes.
6% unlocks -61% avg RareRECOVER HEALTH 50% more effectively
9% unlocks -45% avg RareDeal 15% EXTRA DAMAGE when your Brawler is below 50% Health.
32% unlocks +90% avg RareREVEAL opponents for 2 seconds after dealing damage to them.
4% unlocks -78% avg RareGain extra 900 HEALTH as a consumable SHIELD. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.
34% unlocks +107% avg Rare15% faster RELOAD
49% unlocks +48% avg Super RareSuper CHARGES 10% FASTER
27% unlocks -18% avg Super RareTick's Head gains 1000 EXTRA HEALTH.
9% unlocks -14% avg EpicExtend the reach of Gene's Magic Hand.
8% unlocks -15% avg EpicIncreases Crow's poison damage by 30%.
11% unlocks +9% avg EpicSpike's Super slows 30% more effectively.
13% unlocks +34% avg EpicLeon's Smoke Bomb lasts 2 seconds longer.
10% unlocks 0% avg EpicEnemies inside of Sandy's Sandstorm deal 20% less damage.
8% unlocks -18% avg EpicAmber's oil spills now also slow down enemies by 10%.
5% unlocks -52% avg EpicPet power increased by 25%
23% unlocks -30% avg Super RareEve's Super spawns 1 extra hatchling
10% unlocks -1% avg EpicIncreases the healing of Pam's turret by 20%
4% unlocks -64% avg EpicIncreases number of Gadget usages per battle by 1
15% unlocks -12% avg RareThe speed of bats increased by 50%
22% unlocks +121% avg Epic
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